Idavela Babu to take a break from AMMA's helm; Mohanlal too likely to step down

Idavela Babu, Mohanlal
Idavela Babu, Mohanlal. Photo: Instagram

Kochi; Idavela Babu, who has helmed AMMA - the Association of Malayalam Movie Actors, for a long and successive period, is finally set to take a break from the unique record he holds.
Having led the organisation in different capacities and presently serving as its General Secretary, Idavela Babu has now decided that he is no longer ready to hold any posts in the organisation. The upcoming general body meeting of the organisation is set to witness a host of major changes, including his stepping down from the post.

The meeting, which will witness the election of new office bearers, is held every three years. According to Babu, he is stepping down as it is high time that new faces come up to lead AMMA.
Besides Idavela Babu, actor Mohanlal, who serves as president of the organisation, is also learned to have expressed his willingness to step down. The general body is being convened at the Gokulam Convention Centre on June 30.
The organisation has 506 members who hold voting rights. Nominations to the vacant posts will be received from June 3 onwards.
Although Abu had expressed his willingness to step down last year, he changed his mind at the insistence of actor Mammootty.

Idavela Babu made his entry into AMMA’s leadership in 1994 as its Joint Secretary when its third set of office bearers was elected. Since then, he has continued to serve the organisation in different capacities without a break.
The general body meeting this time is also slated to witness discussions on improving the financial position of the organisation. The organisation currently incurs around three crore rupees every year towards carrying out its welfare activities, organisational expenses, and payment of insurance premiums for members.
The organisation also offers financial assistance to 112 members who are in dire need.
To make ends meet, the organisation organises events such as star nights but on most occasions, it struggles to meet these expenditures. It is learned that the meeting this time will discuss proposals for establishing a permanent system for raising revenue.

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