Anasuya Sengupta scripts history, wins top acting award at Cannes for gritty role in 'The Shameless'

Anasuya Sengupta plays a gritty role in the film. Photos | Instagram

Cannes: Production designer-turned actor Anasuya Sengupta became the first Indian to win a top acting award at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday night. The debutant actor who payed a gritty role in Bulgarian director Constantin Bojanov's film, 'The Shameless', took home the Best Actress award at the Un Certain Regard segment of the festival.
The film also features well-known actor Mita Vashist. 'The Shameless' was shot over a month and half in India and Nepal. Bojanov, an award-winning director, incidentally, is Anasuya's Facebook friend. He caught her by surprise when one day out of the blue he asked her to send an audition tape. That was the start of the Jadavpur University graduate's acting career.

The Kolkata-born debutante actor Anasuya, who lives in Goa, previously worked as a production designer in Srijit Mukherjee's 'Forget Me Not' in Netflix's 2021 Satyajit Ray anthology and 'Masaba Masaba'. In 'The Shameless', she plays Renuka, a vagabond seeking refuge in a northern Indian community of sex workers after fleeing from Delhi on being charged with murder.
The film's story centres around Renuka's illicit love affair with a teenager named Devika, played by Omara Shetty, who's initially sheltered from entering sex work because of her physical ailments, but not for long. Receiving the award, a "shaking" Anasuya dedicated it to "the queer community and other marginalised communities for so bravely fighting a fight they really shouldn't have to".
Her voice shaking with emotion, and drawing repeated cheers and applause, she ended her short acceptance speech by saying, "We don't need to be colonised to know how very, very pathetic colonisers are."
(With IANS inputs)

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