Payal Kapadia's 'All We Imagine As Light' wins Grand Prix award at Cannes Film Festival

'All We Imagine as Light' Director Payal Kapadia (C) celebrates on stage with actors Chhaya Kadam (2L), Divya Prabha (2R) and Kani Kusruti (L) after receiving Grand Prix from US actress Viola Davis (L) during the Closing Ceremony at the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes. Photo: AFP

Payal Kapadia's film 'All We Imagine As Light' won the Grand Prix award at the Cannes Film Festival, which concluded in France on Saturday night (IST). Anora by Sean Baker secured the prestigious Palme D'Or.

'All We Imagine As Light' featuring Kani Kusruti and Divya Prabha in lead roles revolves around two Indian nurses living in Mumbai and trying to navigate life and love.

The Hindi-Malayalam film was bankrolled by Petit Chaos from France and Chalk and Cheese Films from India. The 77th iteration of the festival began on May 14.

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