Santhosh Sivan thanks Malayalam cinema as he receives Pierre Angenieux award at Cannes

Santhosh Sivan speaks after receiving the award. Video still | Facebook (aniesh upaasana)

Cinematographer Santhosh Sivan, who recently won the Pierre Angenieux ExcelLens in Cinematography award, thanked his home state Kerala for nurturing his talent. Santhosh received the award at the function in Cannes in the presence of his family.
“I have been a bad husband, always busy filming. Now they are here and they must be really happy,” he said. He also remembered his late parents and brother Sangeeth Sivan who passed away recently following a cardiac arrest. “I am hoping my father, mother and brother who is no more are smiling,” he said.

He thanked the Malayalam film industry and his state from where he learnt the basics of filming. “I know cinematography does not have language barriers, but still I learnt the basics from Malayalam cinema. I imbibed the culture of my state from my father and grandmother. From Malayalam, I moved to Tamil industry and then Hindi. Now, I am in Hollywood,” he said.
Indians shone at this year's Cannes Film Festival. Filmmaker Payal Kapadia's 'All We Imagine As Light', which was competing in the Palme D'Or category, took home Grand Prix, the second most prestigious award at the Cannes. Anasuya Gupta became the first actor to win Best Actress Award at the festival.

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