Mammootty performs age-defying action scenes without dupe. See 'Turbo' making video

Mammootty plays Turbo Jose in the movie. Photos | YouTube

The makers of 'Turbo' featuring Mammootty and Raj B Shetty in lead roles, have released a video of the superstar performing some age-defying stunts in his latest movie. The video reveals that the actor performed the stunts without a dupe. He can be seen packing some powerful punches and also performing jump action sequences in the video.
The movie, which is directed by Vysakh and produced by Mammootty Kampany, hit theatres last week. Though the film opened to mixed responses, the movie has generated a lot of hype among the audience thanks to some fun banter between Mammootty and Bindu Panicker who plays the actor's mother in the movie. His action scenes and Raj B Shetty's swag are also a highlight of the film, which is scripted by Midhun Manuel Thomas.

The movie is set mostly in Chennai and features Mammootty as Turbo Jose, who is an innocent, helpful yet impulsive man who has to flee to Chennai with his friend's lover, played by Anjana Jayaprakash. The movie also features Shabareesh Varma and Niranjana Anoop.

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