Priyanka Chopra gives shout-out to Cannes Indian winners

Priyanka Chopra congratulated each of the winners separately. Photos | Instagram

Mumbai: Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who recently lent her voice to the wildlife documentary ‘Tiger’ as a narrator, has congratulated the winners from India at the recently concluded 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. On Monday, Priyanka took to the Stories section of her Instagram and sent her best wishes to the winners, Anasuya Sengupta, Payal Kapadia, and Chidananda S Naik.
While Anasuya won the Best Actress Award at Cannes, Payal’s film ‘All We Imagine as Light’ was feted with the ‘Le Grand Prix’ award, and Chidananda’s short film ‘Sunflowers were the first ones to know’ was honoured with the La Cinef Award for Best Short Film.

The actor shared three different stories, one each for Anasuya, Payal, and Chidananda. Lauding Anasuya, Priyanka wrote, "Congratulations @cup_o_t on your incredible performance and the history you've created! Onwards and upwards."
For Payal, she wrote that it was a moment for Indian cinema at the Cannes Film Festival. The actor wrote: “Biiiig shout and congratulations to you all #PayalKapadia @kantari kanmani @divya prabha @chhaya.kadam.75 @hridhuharoon."
Priyanka wrote for Chidananda, "Congratulations @chidananda_s_naik So well deserved."

India had one of its best years at the Cannes Film Festival this time. Payal’s film was screened at the Palme d'Or (main segment) of the Cannes Film Festival, becoming the first Indian film in 30 years to compete in the main segment after ‘Swaham’, which was released in 1994.
(With IANS inputs)

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