Seeds of different varieties have been making their entry into our menu hugely of late. Pumpkin seeds, which have a long history of nutritional use, hold a special place among these.
Adding the seeds to your diet can be a great way to increase your nutrient intake. If you tend to throw away these tiny seeds, hold up! They are filled with some of the best nutrients and offer a plethora of health benefits.

Immunity booster
According to experts, these flat, oval-shaped seeds are a powerhouse of carbohydrates, dietary fibre, protein, fat, vitamin K, Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamins B5 and B6, Vitamin E, Potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, zinc, copper and manganese, etc. They also serve as a rich source of plant-based proteins that help boost our immunity system and regenerate the cells. The antioxidants in it help reduce the chances of severe diseases by fighting oxidative stress.


Heart health
The mono-saturated and poly-saturated fat in the pumpkin seeds helps prevent the possibility of cardiac arrest and keeps the cholesterol level in check. Its contents of zinc and copper, besides magnesium and phosphorous, are good for healthy bones. The neurotransmitters, like tryptophan, help keep you in a good mood and ensure good sleep. The presence of healthy fat, protein, and fiber content also gives these seeds a role in controlling sugar. It also helps address the inflammation in the body.

Nourishes pregnant women
But as they are high in calories, dietitians always insist on a regulated intake of these seeds. They are packed with folate, iron, and zinc, hence pregnant women are advised to consume pumpkin seeds to help the growth of the fetus. It, however, should be done only with due advice from the gynaecologist concerned. Pumpkin seeds are generally recognized as safe, but if you are concerned about seed allergies, always check with your doctor before introducing them to your diet.

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