Adding tuber to your cake recipe is not somethng you do everyday. But once you try this one out, you will keep going back to it.

½ cup purple yam paste
1 cup wheat flour
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
A pinch of salt
½ cup milk
¼ cup oil
1 tbsp yoghurt
1 tsp vanilla essence


Pressure cook the cleaned purple yam
Blend them with the sugar into paste
Mix the yoghurt in the milk. Keep it aside for 5 minutes
Into it add the oil and beat using an electric beater
Now add the yam paste and beat
Pass the wheat powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt through a sieve at least twice
Add this into the yam mix gradually
Fold everything well
Pour the batter into a greased cake tin
Bake the cake in a pre heated oven of 180 degree Celsius for 25 minutes.

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