This chicken chilly fry could be enjoyed as a delicious entrée

It can be enjoyed both with breads or as a snack. Photo: Chef Arun Vijayan

Chicken dishes never lose their charm among non-vegetarians. Be it fried, roasted or as a curry, they would happily devour chicken cooked in any way. Check out the pretty simple recipe of chicken chilly fry that could be enjoyed as a delicious snack or entrée. It can be enjoyed both with breads or as a snack. 

500 gms chicken
10 gms ginger
10 gms garlic
15 gms green chillies
10 gms ginger – garlic paste
Salt as required
15 gms Kashmiri chilly powder
3 gms turmeric powder
10 gms garam masala
10 gms coriander powder
10 gms pepper powder
15 gms bell pepper
20 gms onions
Sunflower oil to fry
15 gms tomato ketchup
20 gms onion
Sunflower oil to fry
15 gms tomato ketchup
10 gms coriander leaves
2 gms curry leaves
10 gms all-purpose flour

Marinate the chicken pieces with ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder, all-purpose flour, Kashmiri chilly powder and salt
Fry these in sunflower oil
Heat oil in a pan
Sauté chopped ginger, onion, garlic and cubed bell pepper
Add pepper powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, garam masala and Kashmiri chilly powder
Mix well
Now add the fried chicken, tomato ketchup, chopped coriander leaves, curry leaves and green chillies
Sprinkle some water too
Give everything a good mix on high flame
Delicious chicken chilly fry is ready!

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