Weight loss: Follow these easy tips for healthy results

It is important not to lose focus and be consistent with diet and exercise. Photo: IANS

Losing body weight successfully is not an easy task as it demands patience and a healthy lifestyle. Some people, having lost interest or motivation, backtracks from their weight loss journey. Meanwhile, some others turn to fad diets or overexertion to gain immediate results. However, you would only regain the weight by following such unhealthy diets and habits. Note the following tips in case you are trying to reduce body weight healthily.
1) Nutrition is key
Following a wholesome diet is key to maintaining a healthy body. Make sure to include vegetables, fruits, whole grains and protein in your daily diet. Avoiding trans fat from your diet would help in weight loss.
2) Health diary
Having a diary to note down information or details about your diet, lifestyle and weight would be ideal. Interestingly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more difficult than actually starting it. You could note down what you eat regularly or your weekly weight difference in the diary.

3) Exercise
Exercising daily is important to reduce weight consistently. Moreover, working out will help you relax and achieve mental health. You could slowly and gradually increase the duration and intensity of the workout sessions. Your weight will go down if you consistently work out. There is no need to go to the gym or practise yoga to shed weight. Climbing stairs, dancing or indulging in sports activities too are enough.
4) Reduce liquid calories
Drinking sugary drinks daily may not be the best habit in case you are trying to lose weight. Soda, juice, tea, coffee and alcohol could do more harm than you think. You could sip on plain water or lemonade instead of sugary or fizzy drinks. Sometimes you may mistake dehydration for appetite and end up eating more than what you need. This may then lead to weight gain or unhealthy eating habits.

5) Measure what you eat
Overeating low-calorie food too would lead to weight gain. You could use measuring cups or be mindful of the serving size to prevent overeating.
6) Know what you eat
You could shed weight easily if you are aware of ‘what you eat, when you eat and how you eat’. It is not a healthy habit to eat any kind of food whenever you feel hungry. Try enjoying the food as much as you can. You wouldn’t know how much food or calories you have consumed if you eat while reading or watching TV. You could try to focus on the food and enjoy the flavour as well as its health benefits.
7) Proper planning
A proper diet plan is essential in your weight loss journey. You should know what you want to eat the next day. This will help you prepare better and purchase fresh ingredients. Making impulsive decisions would persuade you to eat out.

A proper diet plan is essential in your weight loss journey. Photo: iStock/towfique ahamed

8) Seek support
Your may get bored if you are alone in your weight loss journey. So, it is better to have a companion. A workout buddy could motivate you and appreciate your efforts. It could be your close friend, life partner, siblings or even parents. Indulging in teamwork enhances interpersonal relationships.
9) Positivity
It is quite possible that you may get disappointed if an immediate result is not seen. However, it is important not to lose focus and be consistent with diet and exercise. You might not see a drastic weight loss in the beginning. But, you shouldn’t lose hope and continue to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. 

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