Kerala govt's lax stand on flex boards upsets court

Govt's lax stand on flex boards upsets court
The public should not suffer for protecting the narrow interests of some people, observed the court.

Kochi: The Kerala High Court has expressed grave concern over the reluctance of the state government to remove or impose fines on illegal flex and advertisement boards even after a court order in this regard.

The public should not suffer for protecting the narrow interests of some people, observed the court.

The court felt that people would have a rethink on the money wasted for illegal flex boards when the chief minister himself is approaching everyone, including NRIs, for donations to the distress relief fund.

The observations were made by Justice Devan Ramachandran while hearing a batch of petitions, including one by the St Stephen's Church at Kattanam in Alappuzha, over the issue.

“The government says that the flex boards need to be regulated and a circular would be issued for the purpose. But, unless illegal boards are removed as soon as they are installed and a fine imposed, there will be no change in the situation,” said the court.

The Justice also wondered whether the local bodies were taking a soft stand on the issue influenced by some vested interests.

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