Traffickers stocked diesel for boats

Dayamatha which was used to take the immigrants to foreign countries.

Kochi: The police team investigating the illegal human trafficking of people, including Sri Lankans to foreign countries, has found that the operatives had purchased and stocked diesel to fuel their arduous and hazardous boat journey across the ocean.

Sources said they procured diesel in 50-litre plastic cans. An excise team had seized eight cans of diesel from an outboard engine-fitted country boat and some from an autorickshaw thinking it to be illicit spirit. The collector had ordered a detailed inquiry but the police reported back that there was noting ‘unusual.’

The private autorickshaw has been in the custody of the Mattancherry police since November. The owner was yet to turn up to claim the vehicle and 400 litres of diesel, the police said. The police team were also looking for a gang which escaped on a powered boat from the Marakkavu embarkation point.

Cops battle a sea of confusion

The police team is in the midst of confusion. Maritime navigation experts had told the police that a boat ferrying a batch of people which left Munambam on Wednesday could have closed in or even reached Malaysia by Thursday. As per their assessment, even large boats which moved at moderate speeds could reach Malaysia in four days.

Sources said the traffickers could have changed the colour and name of the vessel Dayamatha which was used to take the batch. Also, Malaysia had a considerable Sri Lankan Tamil population and many volunteer groups who could proactively secure those landing up.

The police had sealed the resorts and hotels in Cherai where the batch had stayed. Tourism stake-holders said the demand was high and bookings full in the tourist destination for January and the police action would affect business.

The police had information that diesel collection had happened this month too. Usually, fuel is collected this way for larger boats which are moored off the shore. In West Kochi, Vypeen, and Munambam, there were boat fuel stations along the backwaters. The police have stepped up alert after the trafficking incident and the diesel collection

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