Kottayam man hacks wife's relative to death

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Kottayam: A man hacked a youth to death suspecting him of having an illicit relationship with his wife here on Saturday. The deceased is Ranjith (40) from Kottayam's Vadavathoor. The accused Ajeesh also attacked Ranjith's friend Rijo. 

Manorama News reported that Ajeesh and his wife were separated for a long time. Ajeesh attacked Ranjith and his friend after finding them walking behind his wife on Saturday around 7.30 pm. The duo who are coolie workers were on their way to home after their work. Ajeesh hacked Ranjith with a machete after accusing him of having an illicit relationship with his wife. Later, he attacked Rijo.

Ranjith suffered injuries on his left hand. Though, he was rushed to the nearby hospital and later to the medical college, he succumbed to his injuries. Rijo sustained injuries on the right hand and chest. He is currently undergoing treatment at Kottayam Government Medical College Hospital. Mannarkkad police launched a search for the accused who is on the run.

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