Here is good news for all those who have been waiting to switch to vegan food or a plant-based diet. Now, you can easily resort to vegan dishes without losing out on the protein in dairy products, meat, and egg.

A team of researchers at IIT-Delhi has created vegan egg from lentils. Kavya Dashora, assistant professor at the Center for Rural Development and Technology, who led the research team, said that this would be a great boon to hundreds of people who follow vegan or vegetarian diet. Besides, it would also inspire non-vegetarians to switch to a healthier, plant-based diet without giving up protein.

A team of six researchers had been working hard on this unique project for the last one year. Those who tasted the special scrambled-eggs made by researchers Kamakshi, Vinayak, and Yash, didn't hesitate to give it their 'thumbs up.' Interestingly, this plant-based egg has almost the same taste and texture as well as the protein level as an egg.

The fact that lentils contain equal amount of protein led to the research and creation of such an amazing alternative for egg. The researchers used the protein isolation technique to cook them.


These can be had without bothering about the risk of cholesterol or animal diseases like bird flu. The plant-based egg and mock meat will be made available in the market for the same price of real eggs and meat products.

The research team is also working on producing plant-based alternatives to chicken, beef, and mutton. More information about their research is available on their website

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