Trawling ban for 52 days from June 9; free ration for fishing labourers

Boats that have not implemented uniform colour coding should be colour-coded during the trawling ban period. File Image/Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: A trawling ban will be imposed in the state for 52 days from June 9 to July 31. The decision was taken during a discussion held by the State Minister for Fisheries Saji Cherian with trade union leaders and officials in the sector.

It was also decided to provide free rations to labourers in the fishing sector during this period. Additionally, fisheries control rooms will operate 24 hours a day in coastal districts. Boats from other states will leave the Kerala coast before the ban begins, as decided in the meeting. During the trawling ban period, only one carrier boat will be allowed to accompany each inboard boat. Neendakara Harbour will remain open to traditional fishing vessels this year as well.

Other suggestions:

  • Diesel bunks at harbours and landing centres will be closed. Selected fuel stations of Matsyafed will operate to provide diesel for inboard boats.

  • Biometric IDs, Aadhaar cards, and life jackets are mandatory for all fishermen going to sea.

  • Boats that have not implemented uniform colour coding should be colour-coded during the trawling ban period.

  • Marine Enforcement and Coastal Police will work together for rescue operations. The Navy and Coast Guard will provide assistance.

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