Kani Kusruti displays solidarity for Palestine with watermelon clutch at Cannes 2024

Kani Kusruti
Kani Kusruti. Photo: X/AFP/LOIC VENANCE

Actor Kani Kusruti made a bold statement at her film 'All We Imagine As Light's' Cannes 2024 screening by posing with a watermelon clutch, expressing solidarity with the people of Palestine.
The images and videos of Kani's gesture quickly spread across social media, earning her praise for advocating the ceasefire in war-torn Gaza. In the widely shared photos and videos, Kani is seen proudly holding a sliced watermelon clutch alongside the rest of the film's cast. The watermelon, with its colours reminiscent of the Palestinian flag—red, green, and black seeds—served as a powerful symbol of support.

Following the viral spread of the images, numerous users, including actors from the Malayalam film industry, took to their respective Instagram accounts to commend Kani for her solidarity.
Actor Darshana Rajendran joined the chorus of appreciation, sharing a post applauding Kani and the entire cast for their bold statement.
'All We Imagine As Light' received a resounding eight-minute standing ovation following its debut, marking one of the longest ovations of this edition of the prestigious film festival.

Kani Kusruti's watermelon clutch. Photo: Antonin THUILLIER / AFP

The film is about Prabha, a nurse, who receives an unexpected gift from her long estranged husband that throws her life into disarray. Her younger roommate, Anu, tries in vain to find a private spot in the big city to be alone with her boyfriend.
One day the two nurses go on a road trip to a beach town where the mystical forest becomes a space for their dreams to manifest, according to the plotline.

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