Migraines are intense and debilitating headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, numbness, and sensitivity to light and sound. It may be a throbbing sensation on one side or both sides of the head. Migraines are caused by the sudden expansion and contraction of the blood vessels in the head.

Some food items can also trigger severe migraines in some people. You can analyze your own menus and eating habits to find out which food items trigger migraine. Ritamin found in some food items may cause the blood vessels to expand. Alcohol, red wine, food in which yeast is added, sour food, cream, plum, processed meat, livers, dried fish, eggplants, and soy sauce contain ritamin.


Food items like cow milk, goat milk, wheat dishes, egg, chocolates, orange, tomato, rice, fish, oats, sugar, yeast, shallot, grapes, soy chunks, pork, peanuts, walnuts, mutton, tea, coffee, and cashews can also trigger migraine in some people.

Chinese dishes added with monosodium glutamate, packaged, and frozen food that contains sodium glutamate and snacks added with an artificial sweetener called aspartame should be avoided. Foods with magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids could ease migraines. Leafy greens, garlic, and soybeans are storehouses of magnesium. Check out the recipe of shallots kanji or porridge that can ease migraines.


½ cup shallots (cut into small pieces)
1 tsp fenugreek
1 tsp cumin
½ cup oats
½ cup coconut milk
Salt as required
2½ glass water

Boil water and add the shallots, fenugreek powder, cumin, and oats
Stir continuously so that lumps aren't formed
Add the salt and coconut milk
Mix well and enjoy.

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