Tasty almond puttu

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Delicious and soft almond puttu would make a healthy and wholesome breakfast dish that could easily lower your cholesterol levels. Check out the recipe.
1 cup almonds
¾ cup roasted rice flour
1/3 cup grated coconut
1/3 tsp salt
1/3 cup water
Grind the almonds in a mixer jar
Sift the almond powder
Into it add the rice flour and salt
Mix well
Now add water slowly and mix into puttu powder
Save some grated coconut and add the rest of it into the puttu powder
Boil water in a traditional puttu steamer
Wait until steam begins to come
Drop the chillu (steel disk) into the cylindrical puttu kutti
Put some grated coconut into the cylinder
Fill half of it with puttu powder
Now add coconut on top
Put the remaining puttu powder and coconut into the puttu kutti
Close the lid of the puttu kutti
Steam for 5 minutes
Enjoy the nutritious almond puttu.