Chia seed is excellent for quick weight loss and for having glowing skin. It's a storehouse of nutrients and also contains fiber, protein, good fat, omega-3 antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin B. If mixed with beetroot, milk, and nuts, you can prepare an excellent beetroot–chia seed breakfast drink. Here's the recipe:

1 beetroot
4 tablespoons of chia seeds
2 glasses of milk
Nuts (a little bit)

Boil the milk and set aside for cooling
Beat beetroot in a small mixer jar, pour the cooled milk into it, and grind it well
Sieve it
Add chia seed to it and mix well, put it in the fridge, and drink it as breakfast the next morning
You can also add some fruits and nuts while having the special nutritious drink

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