Techies give Guppy, the stranded pup, a lifeline

The dog, with a weak pulse and extremely exhausted, was carried by the team of rescuers wading in waist-deep waters for over 1.5 km in the flood waters: Photo | Manorama

Kottayam: It is in crisis that real friends emerge and a hapless dog locked up in its kennel by its flood-fleeing owners found one in a young techie and her team of dog lovers.

Animal lovers responded to a distress call from the Kottayam village and rushed to the rescue of the marooned dog who was frozen in the flooded kennel.

The dog was abandoned as the family packed up and left their house.

The starving dog, perched on a small log of wood inside his kennel, was rescued by the animal lovers group after two days.

The dog, with a weak pulse and extremely exhausted, was carried by the team of rescuers wading in waist-deep waters for over 1.5 km in the flood waters.

The dog was rushed to hospital and is recovering well.

The dog lovers also took to Facebook with a plea after the incident requesting people to release the animals in cages when they abandon homes escaping natural disasters.

The team of rescuers have also said that the dog, whom they call 'Guppy' is up for adoption.

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