Asin Thottumkal has been pretty disconnected from the world of showbiz ever since she got married to her businessman-husband Rahul Sharma. She has been happily focusing on her personal life with husband and their 2-year old daughter Arin.

Recently, Asin updated her Instagram with new pics and videos of Arin. Taking to her Insta stories, Asin recorded videos of her little munchkin cooking in her mini-kitchen. Arin is seen chopping veggies and preparing her own little dish.


In yet another video, Arin is seen trying to sweep the floor before getting tired of the lockdown and making a dramatic expression.

Another pic had Arin covered in a blue and yellow coat and the little one was engrossed in painting the white canvas.


It was on October 24, 2017, when Asin Thottumkal and Rahul Sharma had given a pleasant surprise to their fans by announcing the arrival of their first baby. Unlike her fellow celebrities, Asin had kept her pregnancy under the wraps and even after embracing motherhood.

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