After the Prithviraj directorial 'Lucifer' became a super hit, the actor had announced that he would helm 'Empuraan', a sequel to the movie, with Mohanlal in lead. Now, the makers have revealed their plans for the film, in a video, they posted online.
According to Prithviraj, it will be a commercial entertainer and will be made on a bigger scale than 'Lucifer'.
He said they have finalised the script by Murali Gopi and they would soon move on to the pre-production work. “Today is special as this marks the core team's first major discussion for the movie. We will deliberate about the actors and the shooting procedures from today. I remember having a similar session with Lalettan and Murali Gopi for 'Lucifer'. That was on the sets of 'Odiyan', though we had a few informal chats before that.
The fact that you have accepted 'Lucifer' has given me the confidence to helm 'Empuraan' on a bigger scale. I am not making any promise, but definitely, the movie will be a commercial entertainer starring Lalettan. We cannot promise you a date for 'Empuraan's release, but we will keep giving you periodical updates about the film,” said Prithviraj in the video.
Mohanlal said he was happy to be part of the project. "'Empuraan' is a huge challenge, especially as it has to be made on a bigger scale and better canvas than 'Lucifer'," he said. He added that the movie would be shot in several locations outside the country.
"Many have been asking whether 'Empuraan' is a sequel to 'Lucifer'," Murali Gopi said. “It is not a sequel, rather it is the second film in a three-part series and will culminate in a third part,” he said.
Antony Perumbavoor is bankrolling the film under the banner of 'Aashirvad Cinemas'.