Singers and sisters Abhirami Suresh and Amrutha Suresh often post videos and photos about their personal life on their social media feed. Recently, Abhirami Suresh had posted a detailed video about her lip-fillers. Now, the singer posted some happy news on Facebook, saying that her parents were celebrating their 34th wedding anniversary.

In the video, Abhirami focuses the camera on her family who are busy preparing a grand feast for the event, though they don't initially reveal details about the occasion. The singer also posted a note wishing everyone a New Year. “Sorry, for the late post and video. However, every New Year evenings are special since it is our parents' wedding anniversary. We make it a point to be together on this day, but Amrutha was unable to make it because she had a New Year programme. I also take this opportunity to look back at the past year and reflect on the cyber abuses that I faced over the past months. However, I also found a lot of people who stood by me and my family during those testing times. Hope everyone has a great year ahead and let you all be blessed with health and long life,” the singer wrote.

In 2022, Amrutha Suresh had made headlines after she and music composer Gopi Sundar made their relationship public.

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