A man has been taken into custody for verbally abusing actor Edavela Babu who is also the general secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). A First Information Report has been filed against Krishna Prasad (59), a native of Thiruvananthapuram for posting a video on Instagram, in which he is seen abusing the actor. In the video posted four days ago, Krishna Prasad slams Edavela Babu and AMMA for the critical remarks that the actor had made against the movie ‘Mukundan Unni Associates’.
Edavela Babu had then decided to file a complaint against him with the Kochi Cyber police. Meanwhile, Krishna Kumar who was summoned by the police personnel for interrogation was taken into custody.
“Krishna Prasad had posted a video in which he abuses my parents and AMMA. Initially, the police intervened and made him delete it. After that, he posted another video abusing the police force too. That is when I filed a complaint with the cyber cell," said Edavela Babu.
"I made a remark that the movie ‘Mukundan Unni Associates’ exudes negativity in a discussion about film censorship. I watched a movie and had expressed my opinion. Many had supported and criticised me for that. After watching the movie, I had called Vineeth and said the same thing. He told me that he too shared the same opinion and had suggested to the director that the film should have at least some positive elements. The conversation ended there. I and Vineeth spoke many times after that," he added.
One of my family friends too had said the same thing after watching the movie. He said that he came to the theatre with his kids as Vineeth Sreenivasan was acting in it. However, he didn’t expect the film to spread such negativity.
The movie ‘Churuli’ was certified 'A' due to the cuss words. The audience who watched the movie was aware about that. However, ‘Mukundan Unni Associates’ got a clean U certificate. Common people wouldn’t imagine that such a film would have a negative theme. It is not right to abuse someone just because I have openly expressed my opinion. That is why I decided to file the complaint,” Edavela Babu told Manorama News.