Actor Priyanka Chopra has offered a heartwarming glimpse into her life by sharing a cute moment with her daughter, Malti Marie, who is playfully making 'roti'. Priyanka, who has 91.7 million followers, also posted a series of photos from the set of her film Bluff, where she is seen showing off her bruises. In the images, she wears a beige crop top and black biker shorts, with knee pads for protection. The second photo features Malti in an adorable green outfit, joining in the fun of making 'roti'. There is also a video of Priyanka's mother Madhu Chopra making ladyfinger vegetable. A snippet shows Priyanka singing with Malti at their residence.
The last photo is a selfie of Priyanka, where she is flaunting her long curls. The post is captioned as: "Lately. 1: partial padding for stunts. Takes forever to get into costume. Sorry, ADs 2: m making roti @maltimarie 3: miss ercell from cayman * is one of my inspirations for the #thebluff 'God has given me this day to use that will ..l'm exchanging a day of my life for it... So I shall not forget the price I paid for it'." She further said: "4: coming back home after a really hard day at work, to a home cooked meal by my mom, and on this instant, my girl, Anjula and my team was such a blessing and exactly what I need to recuperate and go and do it again tomorrow, @khushboobajpai06@tylerwincott15@oysterlily 5: Moana, Malti and Mama." "6: main chefs in the kitchen @anjula_acharia @drmadhuakhourichopra 7: long days, sometimes you just need to recharge onset in between shots 8: the Olympics 2024 baby, go team India!! and also the best athletes from all around the world. I love the Olympics. 9: just me on another day at work. Boring," Priyanka concluded. On the personal front, Priyanka is married to American singer and actor Nick Jonas. They had tied the knot in December 2018. In January 2022, the couple had their first child, a girl, via surrogacy, named Malti Marie.
On the professional front, she made her acting debut with the 2002 Tamil film 'Thamizhan'. Her Bollywood debut came in 2003 with the spy thriller film 'The Hero: Love Story of a Spy'. She had last featured in the 2023 American romantic comedy drama 'Love Again', co-starring Sam Heughan, and Celine Dion. Priyanka was also the narrator of the wildlife documentary named 'Tiger', directed by Mark Linfield, Vanessa Berlowitz, and Rob Sullivan. The 42-year-old also has 'Heads of State' in the pipeline. The action comedy film is directed by Ilya Naishuller. It also stars Idris Elba and John Cena.
(With IANS inputs)