Model Thanuja, previously engaged to actor Shine Tom Chacko, recently opened up about their breakup. In a live interaction on her social media page, Thanuja emphasised the importance of not trusting anyone blindly, whether man or woman. She added that it's better to maintain a healthy distance from everyone.
When asked why she evades questions about Shine, Thanuja explained that he is a good man and she hadn’t cheated on anyone, but she prefers to avoid situations where she doesn’t belong. “I have nothing to say about that topic. He is enjoying his vibe and I am living my life, minding my own business. Some things cannot be discussed openly. I expected a lot, but they are not letting me do anything. I have no interest in washing my dirty linen in public,” she said.
Thanuja remarked that those we trust often abandon us. She recounted having friends who were very close for two years, hinting that they are no longer on good terms. She believes one should keep personal thoughts and emotions to oneself, as friends might reveal them out of spite after a breakup. “We may share everything when we are sad, but after we break up, they spill them in public with the intention of maligning us. We shouldn’t trust anyone, no matter who that is. They make promises to make us stay with them. But, you shouldn’t believe any of that. All I have to say is that you shouldn’t trust anyone, even if you are close to them. Moreover, we shouldn’t be ungrateful; but, I made a mistake,” Thanuja noted.
Thanuja confessed to making a big mistake and that she hadn’t loved anyone else so deeply. She and Shine had been in a relationship for almost two years, and she feels the relationship reduced her to nothing. She is extremely saddened by its end and has not yet recovered from the heartbreak, having hoped Shine would be with her forever. “I had left my family for him. He broke the framed photo of my family. You shouldn’t share your personal stuff with anyone. You could maybe share them with your mothers, but not with anyone else. In fact, I have lots to say, yet I can’t say anything. I am really sad and devastated. But, you shouldn’t trust anyone or cry over someone. You shouldn’t hug them, cry, and pour your heart out. They are all snakes. If they don’t need us, then you too don’t need them. They can do whatever they want, but we aren’t supposed to do anything,” Thanuja stated.
Thanuja appeared in the live video to share her experience, hinting at a recent distasteful event. However, she maintained that Shine is a good man who hadn’t cheated on her and vowed that she, too, was faithful. She believes one should leave a relationship if unable to adjust. Thanuja even praised Shine as the best person she has met.
Thanuja's video quickly went viral, sparking many rumors and stories on social media. In response, she released another video clarifying that she hadn’t spoken ill of Shine Tom Chacko and requested everyone not to bother him with false stories. “Please leave me alone! Things have started getting difficult for me. I didn’t say anything against him in my live video. I feel disgust for the media that is celebrating my personal life when so much is happening in Kerala. Please do not torture me anymore. I am still not okay. I don’t have the strength to handle this now. You should understand my situation. I have no interest in revealing my personal life in public. Do not trouble him by making up false stories,” Thanuja pleaded.