Actor Prabhas is the latest South Indian celebrity to donate a huge sum as donation to Kerala's Chief Minister Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF). As per reports, the actor contributed Rs 2 crore for the victims of the Wayanad landslides, considered the biggest disaster to hit Kerala. The devastating landslides claimed 413 lives, with at least 152 people still missing. Over 80 individuals are receiving treatment for their injuries.
As per latest reports, rescue teams will concentrate their search and rescue efforts on forest areas in Wayanad on Wednesday. Locations where wells are situated will be excavated deeply. The Kerala government has also decided to involve the relatives of the missing, along with the villagers, in the search operations.
Soon after news of the landslides emerged, several celebrities from Kerala and across South India donated huge sums of money for the relief and rescue operations.
Rashmika Mandanna contributed Rs 10 lakh, while Chiyaan Vikram was among the first South Indian celebrities to contribute to the relief operations. Actors Suriya, Jyothika and Karthi also donated a total amount of Rs 50 lakh to the CMDRF, while Ram Charan and Chiranjeevi donated Rs 1 crore collectively.