The Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) has decided to contribute the entire amount received from their upcoming show 'Mazhavil Entertainment Award 2024' for the rehabilitation of the Wayanad landslide victims. AMMA general secretary actor Siddique said the event will be held on August 20 at the Adlux auditorium in Angamaly. “We are aware this is not the right moment to celebrate such events. However, we had been planning on conducting the event for some time now. We plan to contribute the entire amount we receive from the show for the rehabilitation of the victims,” said Siddique, during a press meet in Kochi on Friday. The event, according to him, will be held jointly by the Kerala Film Producers Association (KFPA). KFPA secretary B Rakesh said the entertainment award function is being organised for the first time jointly by AMMA and KFPA. As many as 80 artists will take part in various programmes at the event. “We decided to involve KFPA this year since we wanted to expand the participation of all people involved in the film industry,” said Siddique.
He also admitted that the cancellation of the Qatar show was a huge financial setback for the producers associations. “The return flight tickets of all the artists were borne by the Kerala Film Producers Association. The experience there has taught us to think several times before conducting such elaborate shows outside Kerala. Hosting such events there are not entirely in our control. It depends entirely on the laws of the land, the sponsors and other factors. We will be very careful next time,” he said.