Disney has released the first trailer for the eagerly awaited film, Mufasa: The Lion King, directed by Barry Jenkins. The trailer debuted at Disney's D23 event on Friday, August 9. Along with the trailer, the filmmakers also revealed the movie's release date. This film serves as a prequel to the 2019 The Lion King, delving into the backstory of the titular character, Mufasa, voiced by Aaron Pierre.
Mufasa: The Lion King will chronicle Mufasa's rise from an orphaned cub to his eventual destiny as king. The film is set to hit theaters on December 20, 2024. Disney teased the story with an Instagram post that read: "Long before they became legends, Mufasa and the Prince who would come to be known as Scar, became brothers. #Mufasa: The Lion King, only in theatres December 20."
The trailer suggests that the film will focus heavily on the untold story of Mufasa and his brother, Scar, who was once called Taka. The narrative follows Mufasa, an orphaned cub who stumbles upon Taka’s pride, only to be met with rejection. Despite this, Mufasa and Taka eventually form a bond and grow to see each other as brothers. Aaron Pierre will lend his voice to Mufasa, while Kelvin Harrison voices Taka, who later becomes Scar. The cast also includes Tiffany Boone as Sarabi, Thandiwe Newton as Taka’s mother Eshe, and Donald Glover as Simba.