Actress Shakeela has revealed that her film career was destroyed by AMMA. In an interview with a Tamil channel, Shakeela shared that she learned this information from an actor who has since passed away. She questioned the kind of justice provided to a young actress who was assaulted, pointing out the lack of support and fairness in the industry.
Shakeela explained that in 2000, AMMA was responsible for banning her films and preventing them from passing censorship. She expressed her realization that AMMA acted against her due to the influence of an actor who is no longer alive. Shakeela defended her actions, stating, "What wrong did I do? I acted in films, brought theatres back from being converted into marriage halls, and the government earned taxes from my films. What mistake did I make?"
She further criticized the patriarchal society in Kerala, noting that if a girl from another state comes to Kerala and makes films that earn more than local productions, the industry will not easily accept her. Shakeela also reflected on how, despite speaking out in 2000, she received no support. She felt betrayed to the point where she was forced to declare that she no longer wanted to act in films.
Shakeela stated that she is not speaking out of resentment but out of a sense of injustice. "It is Kerala that gave me my name and fame. I have no issues with the people of Kerala. What I am against is the injustice they showed me by not allowing my films to reach theatres or pass censorship," she said.
She also addressed the lack of justice in the actress assault case, asking what kind of justice was provided to the victim. Shakeela stated that even if she speaks out, it is unlikely to have any impact. However, she acknowledged that the formation of the Hema Committee has encouraged more people to speak out. Shakeela called for similar committees in all languages, insisting that she too deserves justice, especially since she has never wronged anyone.