Actor Bala has backed Nivin Pauly who was named sixth accused in a sexual assault case filed by a Neriamangalam native in Ernakulam district. The actor applauded Nivin for coming in front of the media to prove his innocence after news channels reported about the incident. Bala said Nivin did not run away rather chose to speak openly to the media. “His words have renewed our faith in him. He showed courage in face of difficulty. We all should respect him for that. Nivin mentioned he is alone in this fight. However, I wish to add that we are all with him,” said Bala.
The actor said it is up to the complainant to prove she is right. “One must study the law before they decide to file a case. If there is no truth to the woman's plaint, she will have to face its consequences. She should be prepared for that,” she said.
A woman has accused producer AK Sunil, a native of Thrissur and a group that included actor Nivin Pauly of locking her in a room for three days and subjecting her to sexual abuse. She claimed they did not provide her with food or water and when they did give her water, it was laced with drugs. The group also allegedly threatened to kill her husband and son.