After initiating legal proceedings against Boby Chemmanur, actress Honey Rose has announced her plans to take similar action against Rahul Easwar. In a social media post, she revealed that she and her family are enduring severe mental stress, for which she holds Easwar primarily accountable. Honey accused him of orchestrating a cybercrime to trivialise the seriousness of her complaint and manipulate public opinion against her.

In her statement, Honey Rose said, “Rahul Easwar is the main reason behind the continuous threats I face through the media, including vulgar, double-meaning, and insulting comments aimed at me and my profession. His actions have consistently pushed me into severe mental agony and even driven me towards thoughts of suicide. These actions are deliberate attempts to tarnish my dignity as a woman.”


The actress further elaborated, “Rahul Easwar has repeatedly issued threats to harm me and insult my womanhood, both directly and through social media. He has also attempted to undermine my professional opportunities. Considering the extent of his actions, I am taking legal action against him.”
Honey Rose’s statement reflects her determination to confront the continuous harassment she has faced. By pursuing legal action, she aims to hold Rahul Easwar accountable for the mental and emotional challenges she and her family have been subjected to.

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