In these times of great despair and helplessness, Kerala has shown unparalleled level of compassion and unity. From Noushad, a wayside clothes seller, who donated fresh stocks of clothes he had purchased ahead of Eid to the flood victims to the hundreds of rescue workers who tirelessly work hard round the clock to rebuild Kerala, deserve plaudits.

Netizens have been sharing lots of such inspiring tales of compassion and support from across the state, on the various social media platforms. Here are two Facebook posts which laud the dedication and humility of two restaurants in the Malabar region, which supplied free food for the rescue teams and the people of the locality.


Suresh Pillai, the corporate chef of the Raviz group, in a Facebook post appreciates the goodwill of the Union Hotel owned by Anas, in Nilambur, where the torrential rains have cause widespread damage. This hotel has been serving delicious food for the people of Nilambur for the last 80 years.

However, as it rained non-stop, the hotel couldn't be opened. Even the workers couldn't reach the hotel braving the harsh weather. The owner somehow managed to arrange a generator that runs on diesel, from kilometres away so that he could open the hotel at least to provide hot tea and snacks for the people. It indeed was difficult to prepare the food in the wood fire stove as the gas connections weren't available.


"The houses of the workers in the hotel were flooded. There was no electricity and gas connection. It is only because of the goodness in his heart that he overcame all the difficulties and had prepared food for lots of rescue workers and people of the locality, that too without expecting anything in return," writes Suresh. The renowned chef appeals to his followers to eat at the Union hotel at least once, if they are visiting Nilambur after the rains have subsided.

Meanwhile, Shoffin C John explains how the owner of the Rasam hotel at Manjeri Thrikalangod refused to take money from a ten member group who had reached Nilambur from Thirvalla as part of the relief works. Shoffin is one among the ten member New Street Boys team from Puthentheruvu in Chengannur who travelled to Nilambur with relief materials.


When the team asked for the bill after having delicious lunch from the Rasam hotel, owner Jithesh said "Didn't you come all the way from Chengannur to help us? How can I take money from you?"

Curious after seeing the name on their vehicle as 'Chengannurkaran,' Jithesh befriended the group and realized that the youngsters had reached the rain battered Nilambur to help them. Shoffin's post was shared by hundreds on the social media within hours. Relief materials for Nilambur were collected by the New Street Boys gang led by Rithu, Jibin, and Ebin.

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