Those tiny savoury delights sitting on the racks in bakeries have forever stolen your gaze and heart. Now make a great variant of the delightful cutlet in your own kitchen.

3 cups finely chopped spinach
1 cup boiled and mashed potato
¼ cup vegetable oil
¼ tsp turmeric powder
½ cup chopped onions
1 dessert spoon chopped green chillies
1 tsp chopped ginger
½ cup grated coconut
1 tsp garam masala powder
½ cup gram flour
Salt, water and bread crumbs as required


In a little oil, sauté the onions, green chillies, turmeric powder, ginger and grated coconut
Then add the spinach leaves and sauté lightly
To this add the cooked potatoes 
Add salt and garam masala
Remove from the fire and mix this well
Make small balls of the mix and shape into cutlets 
Now, for the covering, make a loose paste of gram flour, salt and water
Dip the cutlets in this paste, roll in the bread crumbs and deep fry in hot oil

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