Wheat grass, which is freshly sprouted leaves of the wheat plant, could rightly be called a super food for its incredible nutritional qualities. When these leaves grow up to 5 – 6 inches, they can be cut and made into juice which is rapidly gaining popularity as a healthier juice option.

The wheat grass is rich in almost all the vitamins and minerals. Besides vitamins A, C, E and K, it also contains all the B complex vitamins.

It is an excellent source of proteins and 17 essential amino acids. Wheat grass contain chlorophyll abundantly and stores around 70% of it in its fresh, green leaves.

Here are some of the awesome health benefits of wheat grass juice

Skin: Wheat grass juice is an excellent remedy for many skin ailments. It can be consumed to contain the spread of skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema.

Improve immunity: It is rich in amino acids and enzymes which help to increase the immunity power of the body and fights bacteria which cause illness. The proteins contained in it strengthen the cells in the human body.


Antiseptic properties: It aids in curing wounds and sores quickly and has great antiseptic properties as well. Wheat grass juice helps cure sinusitis, ear infection, sores on legs and inflammation in cervix. The chlorophyll contained it relaxes the varicose vein.

Weight loss: Wheat grass is a rich source of selenium, a protein which is essential to maintain the health of the thyroid glands. The functioning of the thyroid glands can be improved by including selenium in the daily diet. It is the thyroid glands which help regulate the body weight. Consuming wheat grass juice on empty stomach prevents overeating as it makes us feel as if the stomach is filled.

Healthy hair: Wheat grass can create magic on hair, say nutrition experts. It helps darken the grey hairs, and the anti-oxidants contained in wheat grass slow down aging as well. Applying wheat grass juice on hair would help to keep away dandruff and makes the hair smooth, shiny and luscious.

Fights fatigue: An excellent source of iron, wheat grass juice increases the production of red blood cells and helps to fight fatigue. A glass of wheat grass juice would make you store up lots of energy to take on the day on an amazing note.

Fertility: Regular consumption of wheat grass juice improves sexual drive and increases the production of fertility hormones.

Aids digestion: The fibers and vitamin B complex eases the digestive process. It improves the functioning of the muscles involved in digestion. The thiamin helps break down carbohydrates into energy. Wheat grass juice keeps away indigestion, heartburn, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.


Healthy liver: Wheat grass juice has great detoxifying properties. The enzymes and other essential proteins make the liver healthier. It even has the ability to safeguard the liver from harmful effects of alcoholism.

Ease menstrual cramps: Deficiency of vitamins and minerals causes menstrual cramps and irregular periods. Regular consumption of wheat grass juice, which is packed with vitamins, eases the menstrual cramps and regulates the cycle as well.

Healthy heart: Wheat grass juice helps reduce the cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It aids to improve the lipids and also increases the level of good cholesterol. Wheat grass is a source of vitamin C and increases glutathione, while decreasing the level of malondialdehyde. Regular consumption of wheat grass juice assures a healthy heart.

Check on depression: Lack of iron may lead to depression. The iron content and vitamin B in wheat grass keeps away stress and depression. Other essential nutrients improve the adrenal system as well.

Fights cancer: The chlorophyll present in wheat grass takes out the toxins, carcinogens and free radicals, which causes cancer, from the blood and purifies it. It also increases the level of oxygen in the blood. Studies prove that wheat grass juice can ease the side effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients.

Prevent Alzheimer’s: Oxygen is required for the efficient functioning of the brain. The chlorophyll in wheat grass increases the oxygen in blood. Besides, the anti oxidants significantly improve the condition of Alzheimer’s patients.


Excellent for diabetic patients: Wheat grass helps to regulate the sugar level in the blood of diabetic patients. It contains many elements which has the effect of insulin shots. It reduces the glycemic index in food which in turn aids to keep the sugar levels in the blood low.

Note to remember: Though incredibly nutritious, health experts warn that pregnant and breast-feeding mothers should avoid consuming wheat grass juice. It may cause allergic reactions in some people, especially if they are allergic to common wheat. Consume the wheat grass juice in limited portion for the first few times. The amount of juice consumed could be gradually increased.

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