As per reports, actors Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya are getting engaged today in Hyderabad. Sobhita, who has acted in the Malayalam film Kurup, Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan and the web series Made in Heaven, was also part of the recent web series The Night Manager. Rumours about the couple dating have been rife since 2022, with some section of people also accusing the actress as the reason for Naga Chaitanya's divorce from his ex-wife Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Regardless, Sobhita has always maintained a dignified silence about the same. A while ago, she confessed in an interview that she always had a system in place since childhood for mental health. According to Sobhita, she wasn't aware that it's important to actively practice ensuring mental health. However, she has been doing something for it since her childhood.
How Sobhita practices mental health?
The Kurup actress apparently spends quality time reading and writing regularly. These habits comforted her in times of distress, Sobhita says. She also confesses that time has been a good healer for her. Interestingly, she was never someone who paid attention to fitness and never used to workout regularly either. However, she feels being a classical dancer helped her to remain fit. Being a food lover, she has never tried intermittent fasting either.
Reading and writing for mental health
According to many mental health experts, reading and writing can be extremely beneficial for mental health. While reading can stimulate your mind, reduce stress, increase empathy and provide escapism for stressful thoughts, writing can help people express their thoughts better, set goals, reflect on their thoughts and improve the skill to analyse. This is one of the reasons why journaling is often advised as a tool to improve mental health. Those who want to give it a try can start by choosing inspiring books and practising gratitude writing. Gradually, they can transition to making these a daily routine and develop them as mindful tools.