Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, has distinctive eye colour that her fans love. Even though many say that her eyes are naturally blue, she is often spotted wearing contact lenses to various red-carpet events including the Oscars. Using contact lenses may be fun, but it could lead to eye infections or other serious issues if not used properly. Celebs like Jolie often follow the guidance of eyecare experts to ensure that using lenses doesn't affect their eyes. Here are a few of them that will benefit you.
What is a contact lens?
Just as the name suggests the lenses are ocular prosthetic devices that come in direct contact with the surface of the eyes. Your vision would be improved only if the lenses were placed directly on the iris. Anyone who wears spectacles could use powered contact lenses. Contact lenses are available at powers ranging up to minus 25 – 20. You need to consult an ophthalmologist to get a prescription for the powered lens. However, you could use powerless cosmetic lenses even without the prescription of an expert.
Different types
From disposable lenses that can be used only for a day to ones that can be used for up to a month or a year are available in the market. Lenses could be used up to 8 – 10 hours continuously and they need not be removed and re-worn within 8 hours. Make sure to wash the lenses using the solution before using them and also before putting them back in the cases. Besides, the cases should be filled with the solution which should be changed every day to ensure that the lenses are clean. Coloured lenses that could be worn for a day too are easily available.
Do not sleep
There are a few things that shouldn’t be done wearing contact lenses. You shouldn’t sleep wearing the contact lenses. The lenses press against the iris when you close your eyes while sleeping and may cause infection. Besides, it may be difficult to remove too.
Contact with water may lead to infection. So, make sure to remove the lenses before bathing or washing your face.
Do not ride two-wheelers or travel in vehicles where wind directly hits your face as the thin lenses may fly off.
It is better to remove the lenses while playing outdoors as dirt and dust may increase the risk of infection. Moreover, make sure that your hands are clean before touching the lenses. Do not use the lenses if they have fallen and are damaged.