Actress Deepika Padukone is just a few days away from her due date. Apparently, her husband Ranveer Singh and Deepika hope their baby is born on Ranveer's birthday, September 28. The couple stunned many with their recent maternity photoshoot, in which netizens got to see Deepika's fully grown baby bump, which many said she was faking until a few weeks ago. Many commented under the photos asking her secrets for the adorable pregnancy glow and the diet tricks behind it. No worries, we have got you covered. A while ago, Deepika revealed that she eats well and ensures that she listens to her body. Interestingly, Deepika says she has followed a balanced diet for as long as she can remember. That's not all. She also indulges in her favourite desserts once in a while. And according to her dietician Pooja Makhija, Deepika eats well-thought-out meals in a portion-controlled manner. Here are a few tips to get that pregnancy glow like Deepika Padukone:
1) Follow sustainable diets rather than fancy, short-lived diets. Basically, eat the food your body is familiar with.
2) Deepika eats a small meal every two hours. Interestingly, about 40 per cent of it is a liquid diet.
3) Deepika swears by staying hydrated. She starts the day with a glass of lukewarm water. She also doesn't chuck down her water intake but takes it one glass at a time.
4) She has a glass of vegetable juice daily.
5)The mom-to-be also ensures adequate sleep to stay rejuvenated.
6) Deepika drinks juice from beetroot, mint, curry, coriander, and neem leaves for radiant skin.