Dileep questioned for 16.5 hours over 2 days, might be summoned later

Dileep leaving the Police Club at Aluva after the second day's questioning on Tuesday.

Dileep was questioned for 9.5 hours on Tuesday as part of the latest investigation into the 2017 actor assault case.

Over two days, the actor was quizzed for at least 16.5 hours, by the investigating team. The questioning was held at the Police Club in Aluva.

On Tuesday, he was interrogated in the presence of his former acquaintance, director Balachandrakumar, who has emerged as a crucial witness.

The director had claimed that he saw Dileep watching footage of the sexual assault at his residence in Aluva.

In January, the actor and his associates were questioned for 33 hours spread across three days.

ADGP S Sreejith said that the questioning was over for now and the actor might be summoned later if needed.

More persons are to be questioned in the coming day. Director Balachandrakumar has been asked to appear again.

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