Kochi: Actor Dileep and his friend Sarath, both accused in the 2017 actress assault case, appeared before the Ernakulam Principal Sessions Court on Monday.

Both were read the charges heaped on them in a new inquest into the case after it was found that the duo had destroyed key evidence.

According to the investigation team, director Balachandra Kumar was present when Sarath brought the footage of the actress being attacked to Dileep's house.

The team also informed the court that there are also WhatsApp messages and digital evidence to back Balachandran's claims.

A new investigation report has been put together that contains Kumar's statement along with that of 112 witnesses.

Earlier, the defendants had petitioned the court to see the investigation report not be considered in the case citing that Kumar's statements were fabricated.

However, the court rejected this petition. The case will be heard again on November 3. A trial date will be decided then.

The 2017 actress assault case refers to the abduction and sexual assault of a leading South Indian actress in Kochi.

In February 2017, the actress was kidnapped while returning home from a shoot and was assaulted sexually by a gang of men.

Actor Dileep was subsequently arrested (July 2017) after it emerged that he had links with the main accused. He was released on bail in October 2017.

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