Alappuzha: Alappuzha South police have filed a report with the juvenile justice board after a school student allegedly brandished an airgun during a clash among students on Tuesday. The police said that no shots were fired. '' It was an airgun which uses plastic pellets. The gun was not in a working condition. It was used as a club to assault another student,'' a police official said.
The police received a complaint regarding an airgun being used by a student during the clash which happened on Tuesday. '' We searched the student’s home and retrieved the gun. It was purchased in 2022. The gun wouldn't fire as one of the pellets had got stuck. According to the parents, the student had taken this gun, which was lying carelessly discarded as it was of no use, without their knowledge and taken it to the school,” the official said.
'' A case has been registered with the JJ( Juvenile Justice) Board. The wielding of assault weapons can invite a punishment of up to 7 years. Since this is a case involving a minor, we have to see how it goes,” the official said.
The clash took place between two student groups of the Govt. Muhammaden Boys Higher Secondary School outside the school premises on a byroad. The complaint was filed with the police by the school principal.
Sini M N, the principal of the school and the person who filed the complaint with the police said that statements were taken from the students involved. ''From what I know, the student used it to intimidate another student. I do not deny the gravity of the incident where a student is found to be in possession of a gun, regardless of whether it is working or not. Reports of shots being fired are false, '' the principal said.