Malappuram man disappears days before wedding, police launch probe

Vishnujith. Photo: Manorama

Malappuram: A groom-to-be went missing from Pallippuram on Sunday, just days before his wedding. Vishnujith went to Palakkad to arrange funds for the wedding. According to his relatives, he was carrying Rs 1 lakh at the time of his disappearance.

Relatives reported that Vishnu left home in the morning on September 4. Since renovation work was ongoing at home, they assumed he had gone for related errands.

When his mother called in the evening, Vishnu informed her that he was in Palakkad and would be late. He then told his family that he would stay at his uncle's house for the night.

His mother called the uncle when he didn't arrive, only to find out he had not gone there. After that, his phone was switched off. A police complaint was filed, and the last known location was traced to Pudusseri, Kanjikode. The investigation is being led by the Superintendent of Police.

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