Minister for General Education, V Sivankutty has directed the department authorities to look into theft of vegetables grown on the premises of Thycaud Government LP school for the noon-meal scheme. 

The school students wrote a letter to the Minister on Monday saying that they were saddened by the theft of vegetables which they had painstakingly grown on their school campus. The students also requested the Minister to install CCTV surveillance system in the school.


In response, the Minister posted on his official social media page that the theft had come to his notice and police had already begun a probe. "Directions have been issued to the Education department authorities to probe the matter," the Minister said.

The students, guided by teachers, cultivated cauliflower, tomato and snake gourd on the campus. In addition to a small farm on the school's backyard, the students recently started growing vegetables on the front premises. Cauliflowers were introduced on an experimental basis in 2023, and this year, the cauliflowers were ready for harvest when the students noticed that the vegetables were stolen.


A meeting of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) was also held on Monday and it was decided to file a formal complaint with the police. The police team visited the school campus on Monday and inspected the farm and nearby areas as part of the probe.

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