South Indian actress Shraddha Srinath has posted breathtaking pictures of her sojourn to Azerbaijan. Shraddha who entered filmdom with Malayalam movie ‘Kohinoor’, which had hit the theatres in 2015, is now busy showcasing her histrionic skills in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada film industries. The actress has shared awesome snaps of her Azerbaijan vacay laced with her thoughts on Instagram.
“Azeri people are the nicest. Especially the waiters. They’ll coax you into ordering two bottles of wine and two desserts too, flashing their best smiles and speaking in their best broken English. But no one ever complained of having too much wine or dessert, right? Don’t answer that,” she writes on Instagram.
Shraddha notes that she had an excellent Azeri meal and Russian meal and adds that Azerbaijan is dotted with many beautiful restaurants. She also shares her experience of finding many cats on the streets of Azerbaijan. Some cats are friendly but others are in their own world and the actress has uploaded a heart-warming video of a cat getting cosy with her.
She further notes that the outskirts of Baku, which is the capital of Azerbaijan, is Soviet-like and very cold but once you enter the city it is full of life and so charming. The capital city has large parks, coffee shops, huge promenade, cobbled roads and sidewalks.
“Cops are everywhere and I mean everywhere, and so helpful too. Our driver to Gabala fought the Azerbaijan-Armenia war two year ago and proudly showed off his medals and certificates,” the actress adds in the note.
Shraddha has posted pics of her having food and wine from the restaurants and walking through snow wearing fur hat. In one photo, she is seen standing beside the famous Formula One race track of Azerbaijan. The actress has also shared a video in which she is seen throwing snow.