Actor Ahaana Krishna and her sisters Diya, Ishaani and Hansika often share tidbits from their lives on social media. Now, the ‘Adi’ actor posted a throwback picture from her childhood reminiscing of the olden days when ‘everything was so limited.’ In a long Instagram post, the actor revealed that she had only four to five great pair of clothes when she was little and was always happy to repeat them over and over again for each function. In the post, she also revealed that her mother was four-months pregnant when the picture was taken.
“Our family friend sent us this picture .. which was taken in April of 2005 .. when Hansu was a tiny 4 month old seed inside Amma’s stomach! I don’t remember this day at all .. but I remember us always being very excited about getting to go for functions from where we’d get to eat yummy food! Since Amma was pregnant with Hansu , apparently she wasn’t enjoying the food as much on this day .. but we sure were. These were some of our favourite clothes and slippers of the season. We would most likely have bought them from Chennai! Those were the days when perhaps like most of you .. everything we had was so limited , unlike now. Best pairs of clothes would often be 4 or 5 , which we would happily repeat again and again. The same with slippers too. Also when we are in our growing age .. it didn’t make sense to have more clothes or shoes too. Those were the days when there was enough and more space in the wardrobe and we didn’t have to think too much about what to pick and wear! We’d wear our best dress .. Amma would tie our hair and we’d be ready to leave. A sweet memory from a sweet point in our life! And what I like the most about this picture is how unaware we are about being clicked. A very very real moment just frozen in time (sic),” she wrote.