A recent event saw a heated exchange between media personnel and Tamil actor Jiiva concerning issues within the film industry. Jiiva, who was attending a private function, became visibly irritated when asked about actress Radhika Sharathkumar’s recent revelations.
Radhika had made significant claims regarding problems on Malayalam film sets, including the use of hidden cameras in caravans and the unauthorised capture of actresses in compromising situations. When questioned by the media about these disclosures and the Hema Committee report, Jiiva responded by asserting that there are no issues within Tamil cinema, suggesting that problems are confined to Malayalam cinema.
Jiiva’s initial response was to advise that such questions should be avoided at a good event. However, as the questioning continued, his frustration grew. He reiterated his stance that Tamil cinema has no issues, and that the problems lie solely within the Malayalam film industry.
The situation escalated as Jiiva became increasingly agitated, resulting in a confrontation and a verbal exchange with the media. Eventually, Jiiva left the venue without further comment.
In the wake of Radhika Sharathkumar’s revelations, the Tamil film industry is facing increased scrutiny. There is now a growing call for a regulatory body similar to the Hema Committee to address and prevent such issues within Tamil cinema.