Bollywood star Deepika Padukone, who is eagerly anticipating her first child with husband Ranveer Singh, has shared glimpses from her maternity photoshoot. On Monday, the actress and Ranveer took to Instagram to post several striking black-and-white photos. In these images, Deepika proudly displays her baby bump while Ranveer lovingly embraces her. Their undeniable chemistry shines through, and Deepika radiates with the natural glow of pregnancy, looking absolutely stunning.
In the photos, Deepika can be seen wearing a variety of outfits, including a sheer dress that highlights her bump, a loose cardigan, a blazer, and a sweater. She embodies elegance and grace, setting a new standard for maternity fashion. Ranveer Singh is proudly seen beside her, and his affectionate gaze and supportive presence reflect the couple's deep bond as they embark on this exciting journey together.
As the couple shared their pictures, social media users speculated that the actress might be expecting twins. One user wrote, "I think they are going to welcome twins," while another commented, "Looks like judwaas are coming." The couple’s post has sparked a frenzy of love and well-wishes across social media.
The couple has already given their fans glimpses of how good they would be as parents through various sightings and videos. Meanwhile, on the work front, Deepika was recently seen in Kalki 2898 AD, a film that grossed Rs 1041 crores worldwide, where she played the role of Sumathi, a character who is pregnant with the titular character. Prior to this, she appeared in Fighter as a helicopter pilot who rescues a team of fighter pilots during a cross-border operation. She is also set to star in Singham Again, where she will play the role of female super cop Shakti Shetty, alongside her husband Ranveer Singh.
Ranveer Singh, for his part, will next be seen in Aditya Dhar’s untitled movie. He previously announced the film with a black-and-white photo collage featuring Sanjay Dutt, R Madhavan, Akshaye Khanna, Aditya, and Arjun Rampal, all dressed in black outfits with serious expressions on their faces.
(With IANS inputs)