A 9 to 5 job is often described as the best way to 'invite' health issues triggered by a sedentary lifestyle. The prolonged periods of sitting, lack of time to eat or drink water right, posture problems, mental fatigue, stresses of deadlines... all of it can affect one's physical and mental health in myriad ways. If you aren't in a position to keep aside a few hours of physical activity for yourself regularly, the effects of the lifestyle on your body get multiplied further. However, there are ways in which you can sneak in some extra physical activity and healthy foods to give yourself an energy boost. Here's how:
Physical activities
1) Opt for steps instead of elevators every time you have a chance, to get your heart rate up and pump your calf muscles.
2)  In the sitting position, do a few rounds of leg lifts, stretches and calf raises. This can prevent stiffness.

3) Take small stand-and-stretch breaks every 20 minutes, half an hour or even an hour. Combine it with your hydration plan.
4) During lunch breaks, take a five or 10-minute walk on your office premises
5) Whenever you get a phone call, use it as an opportunity to walk, while you speak.
6) Whenever possible, walk to and from the office rather than taking a vehicle. If at all it means a five-minute walk, it can contribute to your overall activity rate.


What to eat and how?
At regular intervals, include these food items in your diet to maintain your energy level. If at all having them may not be possible every day, you can check how often they can be done. Once it becomes a habit, you will find your way to have these energy shots between your work.
Have a glass of this natural probiotic drink by 11 am. It will also be ideal for those who forget to drink water amidst busy schedules, as it can curb your hunger and also hydrate you.

Mint tea
Having a mint tea after lunch boosts digestion. Besides, it prevents indigestion caused by consuming too much tea, and coffee and improves gut health alongside boosting energy levels. Mint tea keeps away physical and mental discomfort, helping you focus on the job.
Plantains could be enjoyed as a mid-day or evening snack. Rich in potassium and natural sugar, plantains improve your energy and help you stay calm.


Roasted peanuts
Roasted peanuts are a healthy snack that can be enjoyed before lunch or as a filling evening snack. Loaded with protein and fibre, peanuts easily satiate hunger and control the blood sugar level. Moreover, peanuts make your stomach feel full, preventing you from overeating.
Pistachios are the perfect snack to be enjoyed in the evening. It contains healthy fats, protein and antioxidants which improves heart health and helps in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Pistachios are an extremely nutritious item that satiates hunger and helps in maintaining good health.