Tamil Nadu needs good leaders, educated people should enter politics: Actor Vijay

Actor-politician Vijay. Photo: Special Arrangement

Chennai: Actor and Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam president Vijay on Friday took a jibe at the DMK government for its alleged failure to curb drug abuse in the state. Speaking after felicitating students who passed Class 10 and 12 at Panaiyur in Chennai, the actor said Tamil Nadu needs good leaders and that educated people should consider entering politics.

"Work hard for whichever field you want to succeed in. The need of the hour is not good doctors, engineers or lawyers, but good leaders. Politics should be a career option for the youth in the future. That is my wish. I would like to appeal to the younger generation to not believe whatever you see on social media. Equip yourselves to recognise the false propaganda disseminated by political parties. Learn to identify between right and wrong, only then can you elect a good leader," said Vijay.

He chose the opportunity to speak against the rampant drug mafia in Tamil Nadu. Vijay concluded his speech by asking the students to take a pledge: "Say no to drugs. Say no to temporary pleasures."As a political leader and as a parent, I am scared. The current state government has failed to curb drug abuse in Tamil Nadu. However, it is also upon us to take care of ourselves and not fall into such traps," said Vijay.

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