Distressing scenes in Malappuram: Bodies of landslide victims found floating in Chaliyar River

The bodies were spotted in the Iruttukuthi, Pothukallu, Panamkayam and Bhoodanam areas of the river. Photo: Manorama

Meppadi: Around 26 bodies of people trapped in the Wayanad landslide were found floating, kilometres away, in different parts of the Chaliyar River in Malappuram on Tuesday. Distressing scenes haunted people in the area after bodies with missing arms, legs and even heads were found washed up on the shore. The body of a three-year-old was among them.

The bodies were spotted in the Iruttukuthi, Pothukallu, Panamkayam and Bhoodanam areas of the river. Tribals living in the Kumbilapara Colony said five bodies washed ashore inside the forest. However, the fire brigade has been unsuccessful in accessing the tribal colony. The bodies found were shifted to the mortuary.

MLA IC Balakrishnan confirmed that the bodies found floating in Chaliyar were the ones trapped in the landslides in Wayanad. He further said it was impossible to access Mundakkai, where a massive landslide triggered the tragedy. Kalpetta MLA T Siddique, who is at the scene, also said the situation in Mundakkai is worse than expected.

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